PMD Vollversammlung

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The MaterialDigital Initiative

The MaterialDigital Initiative is driving the development of a material data space that combines data and its processing. With this holistic approach, we support research, development, and industry along the entire value chain and serve as a guide in digitalization. Our initiative consists of the MaterialDigital platform and the associated projects. Together with our partners, we develop and test solutions for digitalization in materials science and engineering.

Our goal is to develop digitalization solutions that can be used by small and medium-sized enterprises, research laboratories, and industry. We can only overcome this challenge if we go this path together. For this reason, our principle is based on an open community that invites all interested parties to participate.

We are committed to transparent and participatory development. Therefore, our activities are funded by the BMBF, and the developed solutions are made accessible according to the FAIR principles, serving as a guide for materials science and engineering.

We enable you

Kategorisierung von Materialdaten

Categorization of Material Data

Describe and store your data using a unified logic.

Integrierte Auswertung

Integrated Evaluation

Manage and process your data in a standardized way using a software environment.

Dezentrale Datenspeicherung

Decentralized Data Storage

Query your data over a secure network, keeping your data at the place of its origin.

Gemeinschaftliche Prüfung und Weiterentwicklung

Collaborative Review and Development

Exchange and collaborate with the MaterialDigital Community to meet new requirements and developments.

Get to Know the MaterialDigital Projects

Developers and Users of the Solutions Created

Together with the MaterialDigital projects, 4 working areas are working for you:

Semantische Interoperabilität

Semantic Interoperability

Self-descriptive capability of data, integration of application ontologies into PMD Core Ontology



Working environments for the digital workflow and the used simulation, measurement, and analysis methods

Architektur und IT-Infrastruktur

Architecture and IT Infrastructure

Establishment and use of a decentralized VPN network and central PMD servers

Community Interaktion

Community Interaction

Knowledge transfer, networking, and communication within the community and externally
